Laser Hair Removal in Reno

A smiling woman being laser treated on her under arm for hair removal wearing white framed eye glasses
Laser treatments are highly flexible, providing a range of cosmetic benefits, from tighter skin to eliminating unwanted hair. With laser hair removal in Reno at Nevada Eye Plastic Surgery, Dr. Marcus J. Ko offers patients a non-invasive way to get rid of stubborn body hair. Walk away from the inconvenience and discomfort of shaving, waxing, or tweezing, and discover a lighter, freer way to feel comfortable in your body.
Laser treatment being done on upper lips of an woman wearing white framed glasses

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal uses precise emissions of light to target body hair at its source. The efficacy of lasers is tied to the exacting precision the device can generate, allowing us to target hairs while protecting the surrounding skin. A measured amount of heat is sent directly into the hair and the hair follicle itself, both eliminating the pigment in the hair and preventing future hair growth. In a single treatment session, you can treat multiple body parts, as each pulse of heat lasts a fraction of a second.

This treatment is increasingly popular, as it allows patients to step away from a lifelong routine of shaving, waxing, or other hair removal techniques. Rather than enduring regular discomfort and the downsides of traditional hair removal, patients are freed to enjoy longer periods of hair-free living. Top areas to treat include:

  • Face (upper lip)
  • Back and chest
  • Feet
  • Bikini area
  • And more

Key Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is most effective when performed by an experienced clinician. Dr. Ko provides a range of laser treatments, using his surgical
experience to provide precise and effective care even in non-surgical environments.
  • Works with most hair types
  • Provides long-lasting results
  • Treatments are well-tolerated
  • No downtime required
  • Preserves skin pigmentation for many skin tones
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Overview of a Typical Hair Removal Treatment

Hair removal treatments are conveniently performed in our Reno office, allowing patients to come in and receive a quick treatment that poses no interruption to their routine. We may use a topical cream, cooling gel, or cooling device tip as needed to ensure that the laser treatment is comfortable for you. Dr. Ko then proceeds to methodically treat each target area. Most of the time, a treatment will be under 30 minutes, though patients can expect a slightly longer session for treating larger or multiple areas.

After your treatment, you can return back to your day as normal. However, we recommend avoiding anything that could irritate the treated areas. These can include staying out of the sun and avoiding abrasive skin products.

Is Laser Hair Removal Right for Me?

Laser hair removal can be the ideal path for many people who are dealing with body hair. It requires no invasive techniques and can work with stunning precision, targeting hair while leaving your skin unharmed. However, the treatment may be best for patients with certain hair types and who currently do not have any skin infections or issues that could interfere with treatment.

The best way to see if laser hair removal is right for you is to set up a consultation visit with Dr. Ko. As a board-certified surgeon, he has the training and experience to determine what your best solutions could be, building a personalized treatment plan that is safe, effective, and tailored to your needs.

Laser Hair Removal Before & after

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Is There a Recovery Period?

Laser hair removal requires no downtime, in most cases, but there is a slight recovery process. However, it should not interfere with your daily routine in any significant way. For most patients, the recovery process involves only a mild period of skin irritation (usually red or itchy skin). Though this initial irritation fades within hours for most patients, we recommend avoiding excess sun exposure on the treated areas for a couple of weeks after your session. The less irritated the skin is, the better you can enjoy your results.
A model woman with side view holding her cheek

Results Timeline

Within 1 Week: Hairs should begin to gradually fall out. The timeline for this can vary significantly, depending on hair type, area treated, and how many sessions you have had. In some cases, patients may note the hairs falling out only after the first week or two.
Within 1 to 2 Months: Most patients should see the peak of their treatment session around this time. So it is around this time that patients may come back in for the next session in their hair removal regimen. For body areas with slower hair growth rates, it may be better to wait 2 to 3 months for your next session.
Improvements can be seen after a single visit for most patients, but a complete schedule of 2 to 5 treatment sessions usually is the optimal amount. Results can vary significantly between patients, so it is vital to fully discuss your options with a qualified provider who can deliver the beset outcomes.

Book Your Consultation

Learn more about your options for laser hair removal in Reno through a quick call to our office, or use our online form to reach out. Book your consultation with board-certified surgeon Dr. Marcus K. Ko and discover a path toward liberating yourself from unwanted body hair.